1 Port GBIC Single-Mode Fiber Transceiver (up to 70km, 3.3V/5V power)


The GBS-GLX70 is a high performance 1550nm singlemode GBIC transceiver supporting full duplex, gigabit speeds on singlemode fiber for distances of up to 70km on 9ìm. This hot pluggable unit has a metal housing to reduce EMI and to increase durability. The industry standard GBS-GLX70 Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) operates on ordinary single-mode fiber optic link spans up to 43.4 miles (70 km) long. Link spans of up to 62 miles (100 km) are possible using premium single-mode fiber or dispersion shifted single-mode fiber. The GBIC provides an optical link budget of 23 dB—the precise link span length will depend on multiple factors such as fiber quality, number of splices, and connectors. When shorter distances of single-mode fiber are used, it might be necessary to insert an in-line optical attenuator in the link to avoid overloading the receiver. A 5- dB or 10-dB inline optical attenuator should be inserted between the fiber-optic cable plant and the receiving port on the GBS-GLX70 GBIC at each end of the link whenever the fiber-optic cable span is less than 15.5 miles (25 km), or consider an alternative such as the GBS-GLX40. 1550nm Multimode Transceiver Duplex SC Connector Metal Enclosure Reduces EMI 3.3V Power Supply Hot Pluggable Multi-Vendor Device Support Up to 70km on 9/125µ Up To 1.25Gbps Bi-Directional (Gigabit) Up To 1.0625Gbps Bi-Directional (Fiber Channel)