1 Port GBIC Multi-Mode Fiber Transceiver (up to 550m, 3.3/5.0V power)


The GBM-GSX is a high performance 850nm multi-mode GBIC transceiver supporting fullduplex, gigabit speeds on multi-mode fiber for distances of up to 275m/550m on 62.5µ/50µ fiber respectively. This hot pluggable unit has metal housing to reduce EMI and to increase durability. 850nm Multi-mode Transceiver Duplex SC Connector Metal Enclosure Reduces EMI 3.3V Power Supply Hot Pluggable Multi-Vendor Device Support Up to 550m on 50/125µ Up to 275m on 62.5/125µ Up To 1.25Gbps Bi-Directional (Gigabit) Up To 1.0625Gbps Bi-Directional (Fiber Channel)